viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014

Slate Experience – Marmot PROs Steve McClure & Leah Crane – #1

Marmot PROs Steve McClure and Leah Crane embark on a road trip to the iconic area of North Wales. Close to Steve’s heart, it is packed with memories and full of incredible climbing, they’re their first visit is to the Dinorwig Slate Quarries for the super-classic Mau Mau, E4 6a. Watch out for the second episode coming soon – Diamond In The Rough.

lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014

viernes, 24 de octubre de 2014

Freestyle skiing double and triple backflips in the 1960's at Vail

http// A look back at the origins of freestyle skiing with legendary filmmaker Roger Brown. Freestyle skiing at Vail began during the mid 60s and progressed over the years to where the sport is Today. Pioneers like Eddie Lincoln who is known for the "Lincoln Loop" were ahead of their time and constantly taking the sport to new levels.

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014

Petzl RocTrip 2014 - Ep3 - Macedonia

publicació: 19/10/2014

The 2014 Petzl RocTrip caravan stopped over in Prilep, Macedonia. Between dark clouds and sunny skies, RocTrippers were granted a rare and privileged experience, being some of the first to sample one of the most beautiful bouldering areas in all of Europe

domingo, 19 de octubre de 2014

AUGMENTIUM (30, 8a+) - A Trad First Ascent

The story of Squib Climbing the First Ascent of Augmentium (30, 8a+) in Freycinet National Park, TASMANIA, Placing all his gear on lead.

sábado, 18 de octubre de 2014

Taku Towers 2014 Juneau Alaska

In late August 2014, Jared Carlson and myself took a trip to The Taku Towers. We planned to try and climb a line called The Magic Line (IV 5.9 A1) that ascends up the southeast face of the Northern Taku Tower. The line was first climbed by Michael Wolf and Stefan Ricci back in 2000, since then it most likely has not seen another ascent. Our tip was quite interesting... route finding, some big loose blocks, run out, mossy and grassy cracks and falling rocks in the distance... but the rock quality was awesome the setting was surreal, being located on the Juneau Ice Field 15 miles from the nearest person. The Taku Towers are two majestic spires of granite that protrude from the barren wasteland of ice surrounding them. The wall is about nine pitches and we were only able to ascend five before we ran out of time. Next summer we are going back stronger, faster, and ready with a mindset of what to expect... Or will bring bivi gear... haha. But check out the little vid about the adventure.

viernes, 17 de octubre de 2014

Into The Lost Crystal Caves (Full)

DISCLAIMER: I claim no copyright or ownership of this material, it belongs to National Geographicl and is uploaded here under fair use guidelines as educational material only.

The Shaman and the Jaguar (Full Documentary)

This documentary as well as the rest of these documentaries shown here relate to important times and figures in history, historic places and people, archaeology, science, conspiracy theories, and education.
The Topics of these video documentaries are varied and cover ancient history, Rome, Greece, Egypt, science, technology, nature, planet earth, the solar system, the universe, World wars, battles, education, biographies, television, archaeology, Illuminati, Area 51, serial killers, paranormal, supernatural, cults, government cover-ups, the law and legal matters, news and current events, corruption, martial arts, space, aliens, ufos, conspiracy theories, Annunaki, Nibiru, Nephilim, satanic rituals, religion, strange phenomenon, origins of Mankind, monsters

AYAHUASCA documentary ! full movie ! HEAVEN EARTH I 2008 I a film by Rud...

HEAVEN EARTH explores the practice and commercialization of amazonian ayahuasca-shamanism in Iquitos. A critical look on ayahuasca-shamanism-culture in Iquitos.

The film displays all day activities of Percy, a peruvian healer and another western ayahuasquero, named Ron. Both live near Iquitos and work with ayahuasca.
Participants of ayahuasca ceremonies, touroperators and --guides, as well as western visionquesters recount episodes of their journeys and internal imagery. A growing global pop cultural phenomenon, swinging between psychotherapeutic healing procedure and spiritual sell-out.
Mestizo- and gringo herbalists recount episodes of daily life and their career histories. Amazonian tourists and western visionseekers report about interior spaces, motifs and passages of their journeys.
Representatives of the local tourism industry talk about guided tours, the psychoactive drink ayahuasca, vanishing indigenous cultures, spiritual sellout triggered by "experience consumerism" and also discuss excursions into the surrounding rainforest of a jungle metropole.

Iquitos - a city affected by the change of time, fluctuating between tradition and modernity - a locus of cultural transition facing the impact of globalization and its sequences.

miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014

Yosemite - Ascending Rhythm

Yosemite - Ascending Rhythm (2000)

" Ascending Rhythm is a profoundly stirring work of art, merging the talents of world-renowned rock climber Ron Kauk and Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Sterling Johnson. The melding of their many gifts has produced an extraordinary video experience, escalating the viewer to new heights in magnificent Yosemite National Park.

To Climb the World

Climbing dream team Alex Honnold, Mark Synnott, and Jimmy Chin face rugged cliffs, knife-wielding thieves, and deadly waters as they traverse the globe searching for the next great rock to climb.

sábado, 11 de octubre de 2014

Henry Russell, los inicios del pirineísmo. parte 01

Henry Russell fue uno de los grandes pirineístas del siglo XIX. Dedicó gran parte de su vida al conocimiento inagotable de las altas montañas que se extienden a ambos lados de la cordillera. Impregnado del espíritu romántico de su tiempo, buscó la plenitud en la inmensidad de los paisajes pirenaicos y escribió después sobre su experiencia pionera en unas cumbres por aquellos días casi vírgenes y aún desconocidas del gran público. Vivió la montaña con la pasión de un enamorado y con el recogimiento franciscano de un místico. En la soledad y la belleza de los espacios agrestes de los Pirineos, persiguió una elevación espiritual que al descubrimiento de lo nuevo añadía un deseo casi panteísta de fundirse con la naturaleza en su estado más puro y genuino. En el esfuerzo de las largas caminatas, supo apreciar con sensibilidad exquisita toda la poesía que atesoran las piedras, las nieves, las aguas y los bosques de las hermosas montañas pirenaicas.

Les conquérants de l'inutile VO (1966) Marcel Ichac

Película biográfica del instructor de esquí, guía de montaña, escalador y conferenciante Lionel Terray (1921 Grenoble - macizo de Vercors 1965).
El documental retrata a una figura emblemática del montañismo francés, su vida, las grandes escaladas y las expediciones de "conquista" de las paredes y los picos más difíciles de Europa, el Himalaya, los Andes y de América del Norte.
Marcel Ichac realizó este film en 1966 a raíz del accidente mortal sufrido por el escalador Lionel Terray en el Gerbier.
Un homenaje realizado, mediante la agrupación de documentos de los archivos personales, secuencias inéditas o imágenes extraídas de las expediciones en las que participó, así como de comentarios de textos autobiográficos.
Por desgracia está es la única copia que he conseguido componer y a la que faltan los últimos 40 segúndos de filmación

(Documentario) Giusto Gervasutti, il solitario signore delle pareti V O

Película, realizada con motivo de los cien años del nacimiento de Giusto Gervasutti , quiere recordar la personalidad solitaria de hombre y sus grandes escaladas.

Anatomia di una Scalata ( G.Bregani, 1967)

Di Giancarlo Bregani - Soggetto e regia Giancarlo Bregani (1930/1987) | Recupero, restauro e adattamento a cura di Alberto Bregani | I° Premio Festival internazionale di Cinematografia di Montagna 1968 Cortina d'Ampezzo

viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014


Sonnie Trotter spends spring number two battling the weather in Scotland in pursuit of the second ascent of the world's first E11, Rhapsody.

jueves, 9 de octubre de 2014

Walter Bonatti - Al di là delle nuvole

Da "Sfide", una meravigliosa trasmissione RAI, la vita, l'epopea e le sfide di un uomo straordinario, che ha scritto la storia dell'alpinismo mondiale. Un italiano di cui tutti noi dobbiamo essere fieri.
Nel Ricordo e nella celebrazione di Walter Bonatti, con ammirazione, stima ed un rispetto che le parole non possono esprimere neanche di lontano.
La presentazione del video qui:

miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2014


In ice climbing you have to find your own velocity - it's fundamental to find the right balance between waiting and observing and then leaping into action. Ephemeral ice lines will often be climbable on very few days - sometimes just one day..."

Arc'teryx athletes Matthias Scherer and Tanja Schmitt were joined by Franz Walter (storyteller, editor) and Hans Hornberger (cameraman) travel to Cogne, Italy to explore an artistic view into a frozen world.

domingo, 5 de octubre de 2014

Danny Macaskill: The Ridge

#TheRidge is the brand new film from Danny Macaskill... For the first time in one of his films Danny climbs aboard a mountain bike and returns to his native home of the Isle of Skye in Scotland to take on a death-defying ride along the notorious Cuillin Ridgeline

sábado, 4 de octubre de 2014

"Sangre de Toro" Rote Wand by Alex Luger (English)

First ascent of Sangre de Toro 8b+, 7 pitches, June and July 2012. First free ascent 29th of August. Protection trad+bolts....

viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014

The North Face: Speaker Series with Alex Honnold - Becoming Brave

The North Face Never Stop Exploring Speaker Series tells the stories behind the adventures and films of TNF athlete expeditions. The 2014 tour kicked off with team climber Alex Honnold, Sender Films, and Sr. Editor at Outside Magazine, Grayson Schaffer discussing 'The Relativity of Risk'. In this clip Honnold discusses how he coped with anxiety and nerves while learning to climb.