martes, 23 de septiembre de 2014

INERTIA 2: Focus

Inertia 2: FOCUS Back again with the best climbers & hardest routes in the world. Circa 2002.
* Randy Leavitt makes the impossible possible with the 1st ascent of the 140-ft Book of Hate 5.13d.
* Josune Bezeriatu cruises the first female ascent of Honky Mix 5.14c/8c+.
*Iker Pou takes on one of the hardest routes in the world and wins with the 3rd ascent of Action Direct 5.14d/9a.
*And of course, sick bouldering with Fred Roughlin, Toni Llamprecht, Dave "Strife" Struthers, Chris "Lick" Lindner, Tyson Atwell, Phil Goudoux, and many more!

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