domingo, 30 de marzo de 2014
Edward Whymper - La conquista del Matternorn
En el 14 de julio de 1865 la cordada de Edward Whymper logra la primera ascensión del Matterhor o Cervino por la Cresta Hörnli, en competencia con la cordada de Jean Antoine Carrel (subirá 3 días después por la Arista del León). Durante el descenso ce verifica uno de los accidentes más importantes de la historia clásica del alpinismo. Hadow se resbala y empuja Croz (el guía), cayendo al vacío. Edward Whymper se salva milagrosamente por la ruptura de la cuerda
sábado, 29 de marzo de 2014
Audi RS4 Vs Speed Mountain Climber (HQ) - Top Gear - Series 7 - BBC
Jeremy's in the French alps, trying to prove the rapid versatility of the Audi RS4 by betting two speed climbers he can do 60 miles before they can climb 1,200 feet. But Jeremy is up against no ordinary climber Leo Houlding is a British rock climber widely considered one of the best speed climbers ever to have lived.
viernes, 28 de marzo de 2014
adidas Outdoor: Civetta - Done in a day (long version)
Enjoy the long version of the first repetition of 'Chimera Verticale', a 15-pitch route located at Civetta in the Dolomites. In addition to this climb, Jakob Schweighofer and Florian Wurm had to overcome a fast 14Km/8.5M hike and 1000m/3.300ft of via ferrata to get everything done within 24 hours.
Chalk Life Vol.1 Full Movie
Chalk Life és un film de 75min. que engloba esports de muntanya a New Mexico. Podrem veure Boulder, Dry tooling, Trad Climb, Slackline, Escalada esportiva… Fantàstic. Chalk Life Vol.1 takes you all over New Mexico The Land Of Enchantment. Boulder,…
lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014
Walter Bonatti racconta la famosa salita al Petit Dru con cinque bivacch...
Il racconto di una delle più grandi imprese alpinistiche della storia.
Walter Bonatti racconta la famosa salita al Petit Dru con cinque bivacchi in parete.
domingo, 23 de marzo de 2014
Yosemite Mono Lake Paiute - Native American Indians
Dedicated to the original Native Americans of Yosemite, Mono Lake and Hetch Hetchy, the Yosemite-Mono Lake Paiute people. Every photo is of Paiutes in Yosemite. Chief Tenaya, who was born at Mono Lake, took several hundred of our people to live in Yosemite. There Chief Tenaya established the Paiute Colony of Ahwahnee after many of the original Ahwahnees died of a diease that was brought to this land. I also want to thank Gayle Hansen-Johnson for her beautiful singing. If you ever find her CD, buy it or you can contact her at for cd informatio
sábado, 22 de marzo de 2014
Sean McColl - Meadowlark Lemon - V14, 8B+
Sean McColl working and doing a boulder problem in Las Vegas called "Meadowlark Lemon". (V14, 8B+)
All tries in the video are shown in order that I tried the boulder!
Filmed and edited by: Sean McColl
jueves, 20 de marzo de 2014
To Climb the World
Climbing dream team Alex Honnold, Mark Synnott, and Jimmy Chin face rugged cliffs, knife-wielding thieves, and deadly waters as they traverse the globe searching for the next great rock to climb.
Upcoming Events at National Geographic Live!
The National Geographic Live! series brings thought-provoking presentations by today's leading explorers, scientists, photographers, and performing artists right to your YouTube feed. Each presentation is filmed in front of a live audience at National Geographic headquarters in Washington, D.C. New clips air every Monday.
Dangerous climbing #24
First outside boulder session for this years outdoor season! I start a little bit more early then most people, i start in March ;) You all know I have a serious vertical addiction!
I made something really stupid but exciting, watch and see!
Reach your summit whit Lostarrow!
Follow my journey to become the strongest climber I possibly can be! Every advice I give is based on my own hard work and experience!
* Sleep sufficient (7-12 hours)
* Eat whole, fresh,ripe, raw fruit and vegetables
* Drink sufficient water (white colored pee)
* Climb as much as you can
* Climb smart and efficient to avoid injuries and get more rapid overall improvements
* Find other awrsome climbers to evolv whit
* Most important have fun and respect the nature! JA,JA,JA,JA,JUAS...K LES DEN...¡¡
Chris Sharma & Stefan Glowacz: Into the light
Großes Kletterkino von Stefan Glowacz und Chris Sharma im Oman. Die Höhle von Majlis al Jinn befindet sich im östlichen Hadschar-Gebirge im Oman. Sharma und Glowacz suchten sich 13 Seillängen, die zwischen 7c+ und 8b+ und eine Neigung von mindestens 45 Grad aufweisen. Unglaubliche Bilder! ...
miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014
First Free Ascent in Yosemite, The Liberty Project | Cedar Wright Climbi...
beautiful video which breaks down the FIRST FREE ASCENT of the Southwest face of Liberty Cap in Yosemite by Cedar Wright and Lucho Rivera.
After his friend Lucho Rivera was hit by a falling rock which broke his collarbone, Cedar and Lucho returned to Yosemite Valley to rock climb the first free ascent of The Liberty Project. Could this be one of the best free route climbs in Yosemite? They think so -- you be the judge.
Producer: Cedar Wright
Athletes: Cedar Wright, Lucho RIvera
Ascending The Unclimbables
When big wall free climber Mason Earle headed north to the Cirque of the Unclimbables in Canada's Northwest Territories, it was with his sights set on the sheer 2,000-foot SE Face of Mt. Proboscis. The imposing tower of steep, hard granite has drawn climbers from Royal Robbins and Layton Kor to Todd Skinner and Galen Rowell to its remote location for decades due to the massive vertical challenge. Over a 17-day stretch Earle completed a bold new free ascent of the 15-pitch At Dawn We Ride (VI 5.12c R) with the climbing support of Eddie Bauer teamate Katie Lambert, photographer Ben Ditto and Bronson Hovnanian.
Free Climbing Moonlight Buttress
In the big wall free climbing world, the aesthetic sandstone crack system on Moonlight Buttress stands as an iconic line on nearly every climber's life list. But for Eddie Bauer athlete Katie Lambert, one milestone on that multi-pitch testpiece elevated its significance to something greater and much more personal than just a single potential tick on the resume.
martes, 11 de marzo de 2014
Trampas para ciclistas | vaya asesinos
Os pido casi como favor que compartáis este vídeo entre toda la gente que haga bici o corra por caminos, montaña, etc... Y si veis cualquiera de estas trampas: DENUNCIAD y que las quiten, pero no os vayáis dejándolas ahí!
lunes, 10 de marzo de 2014
Bouldering Switzerland
7 Tage Bouldern in der Schweiz.
Gebiete: Brione, Chironico, Magic Wood
Den Bericht im Block gibt es hier:
All Music from
Valais Connexion
Zoé, Flo, Bicha, Hans, Ben et Bione reviennent du Valais Suisse avec une moisson de croix du 3+ au 8A+.
Ces 6 jours de trip se sont réalisés sur les secteurs mythiques de Plex, Fionnay, Branson et Vernayaz.
Hélas, sans topo, nous n'avons pas tous les noms des blocs réalisés, ni forcément les cotations ''officielles''... et ce n'est pas le DVD ''Blocs en valais'' qui nous a aidé vu sa nullité.
domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014
Climbing Chronicles - Adventuring around the Globe - Episode 3 (+lista d...
Climb to more adventures here:
In the third episode of Climbing Chronicles, we're in Valence, France for another World Cup stop. Can climbing legend Jakob Schubert win his eighth World Cup victory in a row? We also meet up with adventurer Stefan Glowacz on his expedition around the world.
Climbing Chronicles - Lead Climbing and Alpine Expeditions - Episode 5
Climb to more adventures here
In this episode of Climbing Chronicles we're in Barcelona, Spain, where the world's best climbers will compete for the top spot in the finals of the World Cup series of Lead Climbing. We also accompany climber David Lama on one of his alpine expedition
viernes, 7 de marzo de 2014
Chris Schulte in Independence Pass (+lista de reproducción)
Louder Than 11 caught up with Five Ten athlete Chris Schulte as he discusses life and climbing while crushing a few of his projects in Indy Pass.
9425_Pointe Lachenal voie Cecchinel Jager Chamonix Mont-Blanc massif
Janvier 2013... Quelques images de la belle voie mixte Cecchinel-Jager à la pointe Lachenal... Merci à Alexandre Marchesseau et à Sylvain Rechu...
"Il s'agit d'une voie rocheuse ouverte en 1968 par Walter Cecchinel et Claude Jager qui fut grimpée piolets aux poings lors de l'hiver 1998 par Benoit Robert et Philippe Batoux.
Une ligne évidente aux longueurs variées et techniques, succession de passages mixte et de dièdres englacés où il faut être délicat.
Vraiment une voie très sympathique pour reprendre contacte avec le mixte en vue de projets plus ambitieux!
J'ai pris tellement de plaisir à grimper cette ligne que j'y suis retourné deux jours plus tard avec Damien." Martial Dumas
Sanuk Climber Daniel Woods in Colorado - V14 / V15
Sanuk climber Daniel Woods established 3 of Colorado's hardest boulder problems in the alpine environment of Rocky Mountain National Park. The film features First Ascents of Mirror Reality (v14), Mind to Motion (v14), and Paint it Black (v15).
Also featured are shots of how Daniel trains to prepare for a climb that will test his mental and physical capacity. Watch as he creates, prepares, and executes what was thought to be impossible...
Dave Graham - Adventures in Oz (+lista de reproducción)
It's no surprise to me that ancient Aboriginals who first inhabited the Grampians, believed the surreal landscapes and animated structures of sandstone were designed by a creator named Bunjil in a "dream-state". I have searched the planet for the last sixteen years in hopes of discovering the type of stone and setting which can only be conjured through intense imagination, or extremely vivid dreaming.
Catherine Destivelle soloing THE OLD MAN OF HOY
The indomitable Ms. Destivelle discusses her philosophy of climbing over footage of her (largely) soloing the Orkney sea stack - a 15 minute extract/edit from Michael Belderson's excellent 50-minute 1998 Documentary ROCK QUEEN narrated by Jim Curran (which is well worth tracking down in full).
10292_#2 Eperon Tournier Direct Face Nord des Droites Chamonix Mont-Blan...
Eperon Tournier Direct Face Nord des Droites Chamonix Mont-Blanc massif... Grande course très sérieuse, soutenue et longue... 1200 mètres en rocher neige glace et mixte... Attaque direct Sylvain Jouty et Claude Deck en 1971; partie haute Charles Authenac et Fernand Claret-Tournier en 1937... Merci à Pierre Cogan et à Jonathan Felisaz... Cilao partenaire de Pierre...
10223_#1 Aiguille Sans Nom Aiguille Verte La Brown Patey Chamonix Mont-B...
Aiguille Sans Nom, Aiguille Verte voie Brown-Patey variantes... La voie Brown-Patey à l'Aiguille Verte est une grande course ouverte en 1963 par deux légendes de l'alpinisme britannique : Joe Brown (celui de la fameuse fissure Brown à l'aiguille de Blaitière) et Tom Patey... Variantes Laurent-Herry dans le bas. Sortie par la Marsigny-Morh et la fin de l'Arête Sans Nom (Field Ravanel Demarchi Broadrick) pour la fin... Merci à Pierre Cogan et à Jonathan Feliza...
Catherine Destivelle solo Supercrack - 5.10b.wmv
Catherine Destivelle haciendo un solo integral siguiendo la fisura natural de la roca en la "SuperCrack", Buttress, Utah, Moab, Indian Creek de United States.
- Longitud: 90 Ft. (27 mts.)
- Difficulty: 5.10b
10218_USA escalade Indian Creek Whasher Woman Monster Tower Standing Roc...
USA escalade. Dans l'ordre Indian Creek puis les tours sur la White Rim Road : Whasher Woman, Monster Tower, Standing Rock, Moses Tower. Au Yosemite: Combinaison de Virginia et Tangerine trip puis triple direct... L'équipe: Kevin Peyre, Eric Jamet, Yoan Coulon, Renaud Fine, Mael Baguet, Antoine Lang... Encadrement: Dimitry Munoz GMHM, Philippe Batoux ENSA, Antoine Pecher FFME..
lunes, 3 de marzo de 2014
Los misterios de la montaña de montserrat
Montserrat es un macizo rocoso considerado tradicionalmente la montaña más importante y significativa de Cataluña (España). Está situada a 50 km al noroeste de Barcelona entre las comarcas de la Anoia, del Bajo Llobregat y del Bages. Su pico más alto es el Sant Jeroni (San Jerónimo), con 1.236 metros. El conjunto tiene unos 10 kilómetros de longitud y unos 5 de anchura, y abarca un perímetro de 45 kilómetros cuadrados. En esta montaña se sitúa el santuario y monasterio benedictino de Montserrat dedicado a la Virgen de Montserrat.
Macizo de Montserrat desde el aire.
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