viernes, 11 de julio de 2014


In early 1958, it was Spider Mauri and the famous Walter Bonatti who first tried to climb Cerro Torre's west face. The steep, icy flanks of the west face turned them back about 1,500 feet from the summit. Twelve years later, combatting ceaseless stormy weather, Mauri led an eight-man team to a new highpoint. But not the top. Defeated, he wrote a telegraph home in exasperation: "We have again failed to climb the impossible Cerro Torre."

martes, 8 de julio de 2014

9225_#1 Petit Clocher du Portalet Mont-Blanc massif Ave Caesar

Martina Cufar Potard et Nicolas Potard dans Ave Caesar au Petit Clocher du Portalet dans le massif du Mont-Blanc... Ouverture du bas par Didier Bethod et Alexis Mikolajak... Difficulté: 6b-7b+-6c-7c-7c-6c... Tout sur coinceurs, quelques spits aux cruxs, non protégeables...

The Magical Forest of Fontainebleau, France - Jimmy Webb

After almost 2 months of perfect weather in Switzerland the rain finally caught up with us. Sitting in Magic Wood watching it pour down for the 4th straight day in a row, and the forecast showing no end in sight, we decided to make the 6 hour trek across Europe to the magical forest of Fontainebleau, France.

La Sportiva Sardinia Bloc Scouting - episode 4 of 5

Sardinia is not only a magical land but also a climber's paradise - with lots and lots of rock, the majority of which is still unexplored. In the collective imagination the region is a sea of limestone, but in fact, it's the amount of granite that most people find most surprising. Gallura, in the north of the island, is the Sardinian granite region. The land is almost completely dotted with climbing blocks: a haven of boulders haphazardly strewn about in an incredibly charming and beautiful setting.

viernes, 4 de julio de 2014

Drei Siebe

Beat Kammerlander klettert seine neueste Route am Bürserwändle (Vorarlberg, Austria). Im Interview erklärt er den Zusammenhang mit den "drei Sieben des Sokrates" sowohl in Bezug auf die Route wie auf seine Person. Sportklettern in Perfektion, Haltepunkte im Nanobereich

jueves, 3 de julio de 2014

WALTER BONATTI - Scalare se stessi

L'ultima intervista di Walter Bonatti, sul rifugio Torino. Intervista di Herve Bricca

Walter Bonatti. Con I Muscoli, Con Il Cuore, Con La Testa (2012)

Primo documentario autorizzato sulla vita di Walter Bonatti, prodotto da Road Television e presentato per la prima volta al TrentoFilmfestival 2012. Il film, della durata di 72 minuti, è nato nella primavera del 2011: fu lo stesso Bonatti ad accogliere la proposta di Fabio Pagani e Michele Imperio. "Erano anni che arrivavano offerte di case di produzione sia italiane che internazionali, ma mai Walter le aveva volute prendere in considerazione -, ha raccontato la Podestà -. Ma il progetto di questi due giovani autori lo colpì". E fu così che per la prima volta Walter Bonatti decise di dare il suo placet alla realizzazione di questo racconto per immagini sulla sua vita.