miércoles, 31 de julio de 2013

Facebook Stories: The Dawn Wall

Tommy Caldwell's dad introduced him to rock climbing at the age of three and by 16, Tommy was a world champion. For the last five years, Tommy has been attempting to climb a shear 3000-foot rock face that many consider the most difficult free climb ever attempted. How do you stay motivated on such a climb? See how Tommy was able to bring the encouragement of his friends, family and fans along for the ride.

miércoles, 24 de julio de 2013

sábado, 20 de julio de 2013

Classic Scrambles

Classic scrambles in Snowdonia from the ground and from the air including Crib Goch, North Ridge of Tryfan, The Gribin Ridge, Clogwyn y Person Arete and the Cneifion Arete. All filmed over 1 week in July 2013.

sábado, 13 de julio de 2013

Tepui - Escalada ao Salto Angel

Filme produzido por Federico Sanz e Edemilson Padilha. Conta a história da escalada da maior cachoeira do mundo por uma equipe Brasileiro-Venezuelana em 2011. O filme foi vencedor do Banff Brasil 2011 no voto do público. Equipe de escaladores: Edemilson Padilha, Valdesir Machado, José Luiz Hartmann, Sérgio Tartari, Waldemar Niclevicz (brasileiros) e Alfredo Rangel (venezuelano). Apoio: Orlei Jr

Escaladas em Piraí do Sul - PR

Este vídeo mostra algumas das vias mais bonitas deste recente setor de escalada no Paraná. O Setor do Corpo Seco conta com algumas das linhas mais interessantes de escalada tradicional do estado, em sua maioria com o uso de equipamento móvel. Mais informações sobre o lugar: www.conquistamontanhismo.com.br


Here it is folks. Matt Nasty climbing welcome to old Kentucky.

viernes, 12 de julio de 2013

Matt Wilder - Eye of the Beholder

In this excerpt from his film "Projects" La Sportiva Athlete Matt Wilder describes his new traditionally protected route in the New River Gorge: Eye of the Beholder (5.13d

The North Face: Return to Meru Expedition

Success on the vertical Shark's Fin on India's Mount Meru—one of the last and most perilous unclimbed rock faces in the world—pushed Conrad Anker, Jimmy Chin and Renan Ozturk to their limits. Here they tell the epic tale of their ultimate expedition.

Learn More: http://thenorthface.com/meru

The North Face: Unearthed Teaser

Green River, Utah is well known for it's world-class crack climbing and beautiful walls. The North Face athletes, Alex Honnold, Daniel Woods, Renan Ozturk and Matt Segal took a close-to-home trip last month to explore the area and teach Daniel, one of the world's best Boulderers, a thing or two about what it means to trad climb.

Stay tuned for blogs and episodes from all four athletes @ http://www.neverstopexploring.com/blo...

martes, 2 de julio de 2013

RocTrip Tarn - daily report #1 - Sport climbing with the Petzl team

Shot and edited in one single day, for the RocTrip in Tarn (Millau - France). Featuring Mirko Caballero, Hugo & Thomas Meignan, Mike Fuselier, Nina Caprez, Melissa LeNevé, Florence Pinet and many others!

RocTrip Tarn - daily report #4 - Dave Graham and Chris Sharma

Shot and edited over two days, featuring Dave Graham, Chris Sharma and Pierre Labre (special guest)...Dave Graham tries "Cirque du Soleil" (8b) onsight, and Chris Sharma sends "Dessèchement planétaire" (8c FA) in the L'Oasif sector, in the Gorges du Tarn, France.